Sunday, August 16, 2009

Enjoy the Silence

Gosto do silêncio. Porque há sempre algum barulho para ser ouvido.
Silêncio nunca é silêncio. Porque as expressões faciais e corporais também falam.
Silêncio é estar calmo e parar para ouvir os outros.
Silêncio é ouvir a inspiração e a expiração.
Silêncio é finalmente conseguir ouvir a nós próprios.
Silêncio é paz.
Silêncio é barulho.
Silêncio é tudo o que nos rodeia.

Por isso, e muito mais, aproveita o silêncio e faz um favor ao mundo:


Last conclusion

Happiness equals peace.

Those people had peace. And beliefs of a future together, co-helping, co-living, sharing, everything peacefully.

A Utopia.

That existed. At least for 3 days.

Utopia is real after all.

All we need to do is want it. But the surroundings don't let us. We are what we're surrounded by.
Doesn't sound very good, does it?

That makes me hopeless and hopeful at the same time.


That frustration post was a day where I was feeling pretty shitty, huh? Especially because I wrote that through my cellphone. Anyway, it was exam season and stress makes me think about everything but the thing I was stressing about. Does it make sense? I think not. Maybe it's not supose to.

But now, now I am happy. I'm happier than I have ever been in my life. I know happiness is momentaneous so what I'm feeling is joy. Joy to be alive, to live, not only to exist, to do whatever I feel like doing.

I also feel beautiful. It's a great feeling, have you ever felt it?

No? Then try being happy for a change.

Yes, I realized yesterday watching the woodstock '69 movie that there were so many beautiful people in America, in the fest. Came to the conclusion that beauty is happiness, it comes from happiness. Beauty is also in the details. And what could make us happier than the little things in life? EnJoy what you have before you lose it.